Free Jupiter How to Keep Your 2020 Fitness Goals - Free Jupiter

How to Keep Your 2020 Fitness Goals


Have you made some fitness resolutions for the New Year? Perhaps you’ve always had some fitness goals in mind, but you’ve never been able to actually accomplish them. Whatever the case, there are some tried and true methods to ensure that you stay on track with your fitness. Here are some tips and tricks for staying fit in the New Year and beyond.

How to Keep Your 2020 Fitness Goals


Find an accountability buddy

One of the best ways to ensure that you don’t give up on your resolutions is by having a group of friends or just one friend who can hold you accountable. Perhaps you and your exercise pal both agreed to go to the gym in the morning, but when that morning sun rises over the horizon, you’d rather snooze away for an hour. If you have an accountability buddy, he or she can text you in those situations and remind you of your ultimate goal.

An exercise buddy can also keep you from feeling intimidated by the gym or going into a fitness class. You can make it a social event where you talk about your day and get your exercise in at the same time!

If you’re really feeling competitive, you can also compete with your exercise buddy by using your fitness tracker. For example, you can set up a competition for who can get the most steps in a week or month. Whoever wins has to take the other person out to dinner!

Fitness doesn’t have to be boring and one of the best ways to keep things fresh and fun is to have a friend by your side.

Sign up for an event

Procrastinating on getting your goals completed can mean that you end up doing nothing at all. But don’t fret, you can kickstart your motivation by signing up for a local event. Even if it’s a short event like a 5k, you can use it as a building block for bigger and longer events. If you feel like you’re ready for a more serious competition like a sanctioned race or marathon, don’t forget to create a training plan.

The event you sign up for should be within your skill level and abilities – don’t sign up for something you’re woefully unprepared to accomplish. Otherwise, you risk putting yourself in a pit of despair and discouragement.

Get the right apparel

Look, nobody’s going to be running around in jeans. If you’re trying to get serious about your fitness, make sure your clothing is up to the task. For example, if you’re a runner, then a pair of racing shoes is in order. Invest in activewear that is comfortable and fits you. Ideally, the material will be moisture-wicking and breathable so you can stay calm, cool, and collected – even in the heat of competition.

And don’t forget to pay attention to your specific needs when shopping for clothing and shoes. If you have knee or join problems for example, it’s important to get stability shoes that can actually support you properly.

Mix it up

Going to the gym over and over again to spend an hour on the elliptical gets boring incredibly fast. If you hate routine and start getting bored of doing the same thing, consider mixing up your fitness.

For example, you can sign up for a service like ClassPass which allows you to take classes at multiple gyms. Or, you can think outside the box to meet your exercise goals. Maybe one day, your exercise consists of a walk after work. Another day, maybe you can go on a hike outside. Meeting your exercise goals doesn’t mean you have to spend hours in the gym – there are plenty of ways to work up a sweat.

Final thoughts

How to Keep Your 2020 Fitness Goals

As you make your way through 2020, it can be incredibly easy to lose sight of your resolutions. Especially when it comes to your fitness. Other priorities like social obligations, family life, and work schedules can quickly become obstacles to meeting your goals. However, it’s important to make sure that your fitness goals are as prioritized as other aspects of your life. When you make an investment in yourself, you’ll feel happier and healthier. So, create a plan, stick to it, and get out there!

Charlotte Johnson

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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