Ways To Make Attractive logo designs

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If you are a business man, you know very well that a competitive market is going out there all over the world. So you have to prove your existence in the market. And it’s a quiet tough deal. So by means of some crème business features you have to make your business more attractive to the customers. And the main thing is that always you have to avoid complexities in the marketing strategies. Simplicity is the main element that will relate your business to the customers. Like all the other features, making an identification mark for your business is very essential. Yes, I am talking about the business logo. Business logo is the only way, customers will figure out your business. So you should be very choosy and creative in that matter. The design of your logo should always make a difference from others and it should contain the proper detailification of your business. In fact the logo should be designed in such a way so that your customers can get a clear idea and image about your business.


Maintain Simplicity:

As I have told earlier that simplicity is the main feature of your logo. Take a copy and start sketching out. Make several sketches of similar objective but with different aspects. Actually think out to express a single objective in different ways. You will surely get different designing ideas. After making a number of logos select the best one. This is the real process to create a logo. But stay focused on your objective and keep in mind that the best logos always maintain simplicity which makes the message very clear to the customers.1

Know your customers:

Like other features of a business, while designing your logo you have to be aware about your customer’s choice. You should have a clear idea about what your customers want. First of all you have to make a research to know who your customers are.  Then you have to find out the preferences of your customers.2

Inspiration from other sources:

Before making your own logo, follow some unique and successful logos. Try to take some inspirations from them. You will see that these logos are made from very basic ideas. But the toughest part is to think out this basic part. Also try to find some inspiration from other sources near about you. For example, when you are about to make a logo for your flower shop, try to visit some botanical gardens and find out some inspirations. This will really help you out. Actually all the ideas are nearby you but you have to find it out from them.



Choosing a perfect colour for your Logo is very important. As colour defines a lot of things you should be very careful while choosing it. Don’t apply lot of colours in your logo this will make your logo very clumsy. Some people think that applying a lot of colour can make a logo very attractive to the customers, but the fact is not that. Always use less number of colours to make your logo very clear. You will see that all the unique logos except some of this world don’t contain more than three colours. So the better option is to choose 2 or maximum 3 colours for your logo.


Getting Feedback:

Now after your logo has been designed, take some feedbacks from everyone you can. You can ask your friends and family members for some valuable suggestions. If you already have a shop, ask your customers and take their feedback. But don’t get obligated with the feedbacks and also trust on your own creative ideas. Surely you can create a unique logo for your business if you go through these steps.


Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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