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Simple Things You Do Every Day That Is Ruining Your Hair

Figure 1 hair mistakes from simple everyday things

Hair is one of the main parts of the human features that makes someone beautiful. Even so, our hairs are different and grow differently. Some of the differences we notice with hair is based on the daily grooming activities that people involved in. Depending on how much effort you put on your hair, the results will differ. However, everyday activities can also be the reason your hair is not doing so well or is nor growing as much as you would want it to. Here are some of the simple things you may be overlooking:


Simple Things You Do Every Day That Is Ruining Your Hair

Using the wrong hair products


Hair may be very strong, but it is also very delicate and easily susceptible to damage. The types of products you choose to use, affect how your hair grows. For one, hair thrives on the protective coat that comes from the natural oils produced by the scalp. If the products you choose to strip off all of these natural oils, then your hair strands are left without cover, which has negative consequences. Watch out for hair products that leave your hair drier than usual, for example, gels packed with a lot of alcohol.

Using hot tools too often


If you are one to bank on tools for styling your hair, then you might have a problem. It is one thing to use the best electric razor for men to tame your mane, but when it comes to hot tools, you need to cut down. Too much heat damages your hair strands, primarily when you use your tools on very high temperatures. Your blow dryer set on a high temperature is only good on very wet hair. However, even then, you must have a lot of control with the help of the nozzle attachment, lest you fry your hair. Alternatively, consider air drying which is safer than using hot tools.

Shampooing Too Often


Could it be that you are washing your hair too much? While water is a good moisturizer, washing your hair too often is not quite the solution, mainly if you are always using a shampoo. Most shampoos contain sulfates, some more than others. These sulfates strip your hair of the necessary natural oils, leaving them unprotected and prone to damage and breakage. If you really have to wash your hair that often, do not shampoo all the time. Also include a conditioner every time you do, as a remedy to restore some moisture to your hair strands.

Tying Your Hair Up When It’s Wet

If you have long hair or like to keep a ponytail, this one is for you. When hair is wet, it is a little too fragile and easy to break. Tying it up puts pressure on both the scalp and the hair strands. At least, soak out any excess moisture with a clean, soft t-shirt before you tie it up. If your hair is short, be careful not to start styling it when it is still dry.

Wrong fabric


Whether you cover your hair as you sleep or it’s the material on your pillow, you may be using the wrong fabric that can ruin your hair. Fabrics like cotton are harsh on the hair strands. As you roll and turn in bed, the friction causes tangling and breakage. Instead, go for softer fabrics like satin.



The number of times you brush your hair is a day matters a lot. Brushing your hair in itself is a good practice because it helps distribute the natural oils throughout your hair strands. However, over-manipulating your hair puts a lot of pressure on your scalp and weakens your hair strands. The friction also leads to split ends and breakage. While at it, invest in a good hair brush that will be gentle to your hair.

Charlotte Johnson

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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