10 Painting Tips for Beginners

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So, you have been seeing the enormous art examples of various artists for a long time! And now you’re inspired enough to try your hands too! Bravo man! Now, you might be thinking of how to start, what to do, what kind of canvas should I use, how to mix the colors and so and so and so on. Well, these are obvious doubts that come across to even pro artists as they always want to enhance and learn new things about the paintings. But, this post is entirely dedicated to all brand new beginners and so are the painting tips for beginners.

Now, didn’t you know about the type of painting that you’re going to craft? A basic knowledge is must to all future artists. And you don’t have to make any still life or complex scenery to get yourself confused as you can start making a pet or the animal you love most.

Painting Tips for Beginners

Use cotton technique:

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If you’re trying your hands with pastel or crayons then cotton technique will help you a lot actually. Once you’re done with the wax colors now use the cotton to give the finishing touch and removing the unwanted color from the sheet.

Use finger to blend the colors:

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The moment when you look here and there to find something hard so you can smash wax colors to get the fine blend is really weird. Why don’t you use your fingers to do so?

Color mixing chart is MANDATORY:

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Since you’re a beginner, you better know the color mixing as it’s not possible to get the desired color from market. Color mixing chart can help you with that. As you know while mixing it’s necessary to use the suitable ratio of colors to bring out the required and unique color.

Dry brush is all time favorite:

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You can’t use the same brush again and again for different colors as it’d not be easy to do so because if you think of washing it and using then, even there are still some pigments of last color so avoid this thought. You better get many brushes so you can use different brush or all colors.

Use props:

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Art work comes from the imagination, but if you’re trying your hands on still life painting then make sure to get yourself a easy making stuff. It could be anything, flower, fruit or the ordinary object from your house.

Use white color as a base:

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Yes, white is soothing and adjustable with any color. Even though, color of the sheet is white but still you can consider using white color as a base color then after you can give strokes of another colors. Using white color will eliminate the dirt and will provide the better view.

Start with the small paintings:

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That’s the foremost thing to keep in mind! You’re not a pro yet so better start with the simple and easy painting ideas.

Use thick over thin(colors):

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The secret is- paint thick colors over the thin layer and don’t mix water so it goes thin and that will spill out from the sheet. If you with thin layer it will be dried easily and then you can paint with thick and dense colors. Mind this tip if you want to make the watercolor paintings.

Make a rough sketch to guide yourself:

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Beginners are more prone to waste the sheet! You’d not like to end up with a mess and dirt so you better show yourself a path. Make some lines and shape to guide yourself before you start coloring.

Let’s clean everything now:

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Now, your project is done! Wash your hands, brushes and remove all waste. Make sure to get yourself a bucket and a mug of water to wash brushes and hands regularly.

Hope you liked the aforesaid painting tips for beginners. As we’re sure that you’re gonna craft something very soon, feel free to share your work and tips with us In comment section.

Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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