How To Create Android And iPhone Apps

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Nowadays, the use of smart phone is growing rapidly all over the world. One of the major factors of its acceptance is the uses of apps in our daily life. In fact Smart phones are helping us smartly in each and every steps. The fact is that many people possess some great ideas about apps in their mind but due to lack of technological knowledge about building apps they can’t step in to the process of creation. Actually these article is for the above mentioned people. Really if you are a beginner and thinking of creating an useful app. This article will help you to jump on the process of making your name in the world of app creation. So what are you waiting for??? Don’t waste your valuable time and creative ideas. You are just a step behind to make your own app.


How to Create Android and iphone apps



Here I Will Provide You Some Links Of Tutorials For Making An Android App:


Android App Development Tutorial For Beginners:


This website will provide you with all the knowledge of app development which are very useful for the beginners. The full course is divided into various lessons and the website will guide you through step by step learning procedure. If you have a knowledge in any of the chapters and don’t want to waste more time on it, you can just jump over to the rest. It is up to your choice and you will get a wide option of various topics.

Procedures To Build Your First Android App:


It will be a great help for those seeking to create their first android app. If you are about to build your first app and ready with everything go to this link. This will provide you with some fundamental  app building education but will also show you the step by step technical procedures to make a new app. You will also get some great guidance in sharing your app in google play and its distribution elsewhere.

Developing An Android App:


A video tutorial that will guide you through the full process of making an app. The chapters are divided in youtube playlists and you can view the one you wish to. The playlist starts with fundamentals of building and developing an app and ends with the market distribution process. Actually if you get bored of reading the articles you can go through these video lessons.

Building Your First Android Mobile App:


This is a very short tutorial for the beginners having some basic knowledge about app building. And you can end up here building an app. All that is needed  is to have a basic knowledge on java, XML and eclipse. And the fantastic fact is that it will take hardly two hours of your valuable time to go through the whole tutorial. Really if you don’t have enough time and need a short tutorial this will be the best one.


Now coming to the part of iphone app tutorials:



Making IPhone Apps Without Any Programming Experience:


No need to worry even if you don’t have any programming experience. This website will help you a lot. In fact you can learn various chapters and topic from these website. And the most positive thing of this website is that it teaches you with very easy and simple english. It is also a great platform for them who are thinking to be a self taught programmer and developer.

 IOS Development Guidance For Beginners:


A very well explained website for building apps. It will teach you from the fundamental level and you can gather a detailed knowledge of each and every topic. Though it will take you a lot of time to go through the whole website but the positive thing is that you will be well taught. You can go through this one if you have enough time for it.

Creating The First IPhone App:


This is a complete short article with guidance for the beginners to create an iPhone app. It will also guide you to monetize and earn revenue from your app. The writer, Jen Jordon here discuss about various theories and procedures of app development. If you are about to create your first ever iOS app  you can choose this website.

Complete Guide To Create A Simple IPhone App:


You will be provided with all the knowledge of making an iphone app in this website. A step by step procedures are illustrated for a better understanding. And the most amazing thing is that you will end up making a simple app for you. The full article is divided into three parts. And each part will take you through the different learning process. So don’t wait if you are eagerly wanting to make a beautiful app  of your own.


Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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