Free Jupiter Epoxy Resin Crafts for Beginners: How to Use Resin - Free Jupiter

Epoxy Resin Crafts for Beginners: How to Use Resin


Want to try out resin crafts but don’t know how? Worry not! We got your back. Check out our detailed guideline below for epoxy resin crafts for beginners.


Source: Pexels


Finding the perfect craft to do in your spare time can be a bit confusing. There’s a sea of options but not all give satisfying results.

If you’re facing this dilemma, try out epoxy resin!

It’s not only fun to do; the possibilities for what you can make with it are unlimited. It’s also a great past-time for your kids or for yourself during the lockdown.

When it comes to epoxy resin crafts for beginners, you need to follow certain steps. But things can easily go south if you don’t know what to do. So we’re here to help you out.

We noted down a detailed guideline for epoxy resin craft for beginners. So that you can have a fun time making resin crafts without any mishaps.

Interested? Then keep on reading.

Let’s get started.

Epoxy Resin Crafts for Beginners: How to Use Resin

Resin Craft Tutorial (Step by Step Guideline)

Resin is ideal for creating personalized pieces since you can customize them in many ways. You are free to determine its colors and shape, opening up an unlimited realm of possibilities. You can even make some incredible wall art with it.

We noted down a step-by-step guideline you can follow to make your own resin craft.

Resin craft can be intimidating for beginners. But don’t worry. You can produce resin crafts without any problems if you follow these steps.

Required Materials

For your resin craft project, you will need the following items.

For making the resin:
Resin and hardener
Stirring sticks
Mixing cups
Measuring cups
Heat gun or lighter

For your protection:
Well-ventilated space
Protective face mask
Protective cover for your table (silicon mat)
Heat mat
Disposable pipettes

Step 1: Read the Instructions

Each brand of epoxy resin will have its own set of instructions and recommendations.

Even if you’ve used resin before, you should read them attentively. Following brand-specific instructions gives you the best results.

Step 2: Prepare the Workspace

It’s important for the epoxy resin to cure in a warm, low-humidity atmosphere. Epoxy and cold weather don’t go hand in hand. It’ll slow down the curing process. This could result in ugly defects on the resin’s surface.

Set up your workspace to maintain a temperature of 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the curing period. If you don’t have much space, use a plant propagation mat. These mats will provide gentle yet consistent heat, so they’re perfect for curing resin!

Resin can destroy worksurfaces, so make sure your tables are protected. Using a silicone mat is the best way to do so.

Step 3: Warm Resin and Molds

Warm molds will help to reduce the number of bubbles in the resin. It will also cure more quickly. So make sure they are both heated before mixing.

You can do so by keeping both in a warm environment. Gently heat resin by putting them in bottles and immersing them in warm water. But make sure they’re completely dry before opening.

The resin will not cure if it comes into contact with any water, leaving you with a sticky mess that could ruin your molds.

Also, ensure that the molds are clear of debris. Dust and dirt easily adhere to silicone molds. If you work on a dirty mold, it will ruin the final results.

Step 4: Measure the Resin

Follow the directions that came with the resin and hardener to measure them. Check the amounts you’ve poured carefully. Pouring too much or too little resin can destroy a project.

Put on your gloves before opening your resin bottles, even if your resin is labeled as non-toxic. Crafting with epoxy resin can cause skin irritation in certain people. And it’s quite difficult to remove if you get it on yourself.

Step 5: Mix the Resin

Combine the resin and hardener in a cup and stir to combine. When mixing your resin, follow the instructions that came with it. Do it for three minutes but this may differ based on your resin.

To prevent adding excess air to the mixture, mix slowly. This prevents the formation of too many bubbles. Scrape down the cup’s edges and bottom to get a homogeneous mix.

After mixing, let it sit for two or three minutes. Mix it for the timeframe mentioned in the instructions. Then allow bubbles to rise and pop before pouring into your mold.

Step 6: Color or Add Glitter (Optional)

You can add glitter during this phase. Keep in mind that the resin will settle to the bottom of the mold as it dries. So it will not be equally distributed.

Perform numerous pours and cures in layers if you want the glitter in the resin item to be distributed in a specific pattern.

Wondering how to color resin? Use resin alcohol inks, pigments, or mica powders. To avoid streaks in the final product, make sure they’re properly combined.

Step 7: Fill the Molds

You can pour your resin directly from your mixing cup, depending on the size and depth of the mold.

If there is not much, whisk it in slowly with a stirring stick or a little plastic spoon. Pouring requires a lot of practice because it’s quite easy to overfill a mold.

If you accidentally overfill it, scrape the excess resin. Do it from the top of the mold with a stirring stick.

Step 8: Pop the Bubbles

Even if you carefully mix your resin, there’ll be some bubbles that should be removed. After filling your mold, wait two or three minutes. Allow time for bubbles to form and rise in the resin.

The majority of bubbles will rise to the surface over time. But some may remain along the mold’s border. Use a toothpick to gently assist them to move.

Step 9: Add Embellishments (Optional)

Before the resin begins to gel, you can add items to it. It can be dried flowers, stickers, beads, and anything else that isn’t porous. This is a great tip to add a fresh look to your decor.

As you add objects, bubbles are likely to appear. So nudge them out with a toothpick. Or re-use the heat gun/lighter.

Step 10: Let It Cure

Allow your resin to cure in a secure location. It can take anywhere from 12 hours to three days for your resin to cure. This depends on the resin brand and room temperature.

Heat and certain fumes are produced when the resin cures, which should not be inhaled. The area where you cure resin should be sufficiently ventilated. Otherwise, the vapor might cause significant discomfort.

Step 11: Remove from Mold and Sand It

You can de-mold your craft once the resin has fully cured and solidified. Pull the mold away from the resin gently. If you’re using a silicone mold, make sure it’s not torn.

You might notice that the edges of the de-molded resin are a bit rough. This can be easily resolved with fine-grade wet and dry sandpaper. Be careful not to harm the resin’s surface. You may also use resin polish to give your artwork a lustrous finish.

That’s it! By following these steps you can make cool things with resin.


Now you know all that there is about epoxy resin crafts for beginners. So, what do you have to lose? Collect all the required materials from your nearest store. Begin crafting your own resin crafts at home!

We hope you found this article to be informative.

Thank you for your patience and for sticking with us all the way to the end.

Charlotte Johnson

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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