The magic of still-life paintings is that they have the ability to show us the whole image and the idea of the painter just by staring at the standard objects around in the painting. Once simple every day objects are placed in a particular arrangement and captured by paint, inkand pastel – the objects battle an entirely new meaning. They’re imbued with a life beyond the standard. Their existence becomes recorded in time.Easy still life painting ideas for beginners are not very hard to come by. High school Art students are usually needed to supply still life drawings or paintings inside the compass of a busy schoolroom. Most Art Departments have cabinets crammed packed with visually fascinating objects that may be used to produce still life arrangements.
Here are some tips on how to choose Easy still life painting ideas for beginners
- Decide what you want to paint
- Where are you gonna set up your subject
- Make sure your lighting is correct
- Make it appealing
- Connect to the audience
- Be open to make changes even at the last minute
There is usually the misperception that as you become a lot of advanced, you may notice subjects to paint easily. However, honestly, it’s forever a challenge of painting. So let’s get into these Easy still life painting ideas for beginners.
Easy Still Life Painting Ideas For Beginners
Simple landscapes
If you’re probing for straightforward painting ideas than the primary place to look is nature. Inspiration is all around you. You only ought to open your eyes! If your native space isn’t notably scenic, then you will have to be compelled to opt for somewhat of a journey to seek out scenes to color. Every vacation or trip is a chance to urge painting inspiration. Check that you’ve got your camera handy at all times and takes tons of photos.
Flower jar
The flower jar could be a classic painting subject. Most of the painters appear to have painted a minimum of some flower jar subjects. Why is it a preferred subject to paint? Simply because it portrays light well, will have a nice color and has variance in a form that is appealing in an exceeding composition.
Simple seascapes
I would say seascapes are slightly harder than landscapes, simply thanks to the troubles of rendering water. The trick with seascapes is to alter the detail within the water. Use paint brushes that are larger than you’re comfy with. You are attempting to administer the illusion of the type, nothing more. To try to do. This you’ll use long strokes of various colors, with some definition to stipulate contours within the water.
Pet portraits
Have a pet dog or cat? They’ll be nice subjects for your next painting. Pet portraits are significantly easier to color than human portraits, once you’ve got to learn a way to render fur. My recommendation for painting fur isn’t to do and paint each single hair strand. You ought to be using daring strokes and really very little mixing to administer the illusion of fur
Your Daily Life Fruit basket
Inspiration starts from home. What is better than painting your own fruit basket that is kept on your table each day. Make sure you add the aesthetic colors to give the painting a realistic look.
A glass of wine
What is better than to make sure you give the viewer a soothing effect with a simple glass of wine to watch. What will happen after that, is it will not only make them connect that to their daily life but also gives a coosy effect towards your painting.
I hope these simple painting ideas provide you with some inspiration for your next painting and Easy still life painting ideas for beginners. Some of the hardest subjects to color are portraits, cityscapes and sophisticated still lives. You’ll tackle these once you’re more advanced. If you’ve got any simple painting ideas, feel free to share them in the comment section below