9 Book Furniture Design Pieces Every Bookworm Should Have

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Reading is a great pastime. You get to learn a lot of things from books, and you can get lost in an imaginary world of characters and situations. For those who love to collect books, you need places to store them in, or things you can use with your books. There are some book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have to take care of your precious books.While you are trying some DIYs for your interiors, here some help for creative DIY home decor ideas with pebbles and river rocks

Book Furniture Design

The Uneven Book Case


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Forget the old boring, straight bookcases of old and opt for a bookshelf, where each shelf is balanced in a different way, on top of one another. It looks great and will catch the eye of anyone who visits your house. With a beautiful texture and easy assemble, this is one of the book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have in their homes. You can see more stuffs to keep your things arranged.

Book Rest Lamp


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For those of you love to read in the evenings and night, the book rest lamp provides you with the light to read as well as a place to rest your book on. Now you can just curl up in your favorite chair, and have the lamp nearby while browsing the pages.

Hanging Book Rack


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And you thought you knew all about storing books? Well, you don’t just stack books; you can hang them as well, using this wall-mounted book rack. It can take any kind of pin, and you just keep your books on those pins. It hardly uses any space. Some book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have never cease to surprise.

Bookshelf Wallpaper


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If you don’t have enough books that you can display in the living room, the bookshelf wallpaper transforms a boring old wall into seeming like a whole big bookshelf full of books. Make your guests exclaim in disbelief with this one!

Tree Bookshelf


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Instead of leaves, this tree has books on its branches. A really artistic way to display your books,  you can choose to just have it as a standalone sculpture, or fill the “branch” shelves with books. If you have a large enough room, you can have more than one tree bookshelf to build a “forest of books”. Isn’t that one of the innovative book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have?

Ninja Book Ends


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With a shape like a Katana sword, these bookends keep your books in place while making people think that you have impaled your books with a sword. Have your friends exclaiming in surprise when they find out, that these are just bookends, and the books are intact.

Book Clock


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This really neat clock looks like a set of books and fits neatly into your bookcase. It is a creatively designed clock, which would look great in your library and you can see the time in it as well. This is one of the funny book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have.

The Superhero Bookend


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If you love superheroes and love reading about them, this cute bookend shaped to look like a superman superhero is a must-have. It uses a magnet to make it seem that the superhero is suspended in the air, as if saving your books from falling. A great decoration piece and a very nice gift idea as well.

A Wedge Reading Light


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Book lovers often read late at night, and you might not want a light onto disturbing your sleeping partner. The LightWedge LED book light just casts light on the page you are reading and nowhere else. Put it on the book and keep reading.

Enjoy your books with these book furniture design pieces every bookworm should have! So what are you waiting for? Select one of the above that you like, or mix and match few designs to make one of your own unique design. Once you have such a design, I am sure you will not feel like coming out of it.

Sangita Sarkar
Sangita Sarkar

The exact amount of Enthusiasm & commitment for art makes Charlotte Johnson creatively energetic for what she does. The Artistic finesses flowing in her nerves don't permit her to sit and create the ordinary that's why she consistently put the full dosage of potency to construct something monumental & worth perceiving. The point that makes her distinguishable is her capability to accept the compliments & comments both with equal excitement and Respect.

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