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Top 20 Best PHP Scripts for Support Tools

Are you an owner of a big website? So obviously you will need great support and help page. And if you are a beginner and don’t have a knowledge of coding then you will face a lot of problem you will be facing a lot of problem. This myth probably you are hearing from everyone.

30 Shades Of Yellow Color Names

Yellow is a color that comes in handy when you are designing anything; it is a warm shade that brings about brightness to anything you put it on. Yellow is one shad that can be as somber or as bright as you want it to be. The best part of using yellow for anything is

8 Best Freelance Websites to find Web Design and Graphic Design Jobs

Web Design and Graphics design are two of the most demanding career platforms for new age teens. Due to rapid advancement in these two fields, lot of job placement has been created and the most interesting part is its high salary and remuneration. Some people search for a permanent job and again some prefers working

30 Shades Of Blue Color Names

Ask a man what is his favorite color and he is most likely to tell you that his favorite color is blue as if it is the most obvious answer there is. However, ask a man what shade of blue that he likes, and you are likely to get a blank stare as an answer.

50 Best Holiday Fonts To Use

Fonts are a very creative way to express feelings and ideas. Actually fonts add an extra flavor to any project. There are many types of fonts differently used for various types of projects and it is specially created keeping in mind about the flavor and feelings of that particular projects. Today our topic in this
