Free Jupiter 40 Easy Glass Painting Designs And Patterns For Beginners

40 Easy Glass Painting Designs And Patterns For Beginners



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Birds can be of your choice… But, as you are just starting off with these glass painting designs, we would suggest you start with a simple bird – like a pigeon. Once you are able to evolve yourself into this, you can go miles ahead and choose to have peacocks as well as your idea of glass painting. Here this heart-winning painting is the true example of amazing tree painting ideas.



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If you are a fan of water and the creatures that live in it, then mermaid shall surely be on your list when you think of Easy Glass Painting Designs And Patterns For Beginners. This is suggested for beginners because it does not have a lot of complicated designs and color combinations to be made.

Fishes in the glass


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Once you have got your hands colored with some glass painting ideas, then move your needle ahead to try some creative designs. Take a glass (preferably a wine glass) and paint fishes on them. Pour water in the glass and make it look natural.



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You can like them or dislike them, but you cannot ignore landscapes when it comes to paintings. This glass painting design looks beautiful on all kinds of glasses. You can try it with as many colors as you want. This easy and simple landscape painting ideas so you can create and try on your hands with no worries of finding ‘what to paint’.

Easy Glass Painting Patterns For Beginners


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