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Author Archives: Charlotte Johnson


40 Cute And Easy Seashell Craft And Decor Ideas

40 Cute And Easy Seashell Craft And Decor Ideas

Irrespective of our age, we have always adored the idea of collecting seashells at the seashores. We love the idea of not just keeping these shells off a jar, but to use them for beautiful decor pieces and artwork. Seashells serve just more than a hobby and put kept in a jar. The eye candies


40 Fun And Easy Summer Craft For Kids

Because summer time is the fun time! Kids love playing in their summer vacations. And why not, since it’s the time when they can play outdoors and enjoy under the sun. While it’s more of an amusement time for them, how about trying some Easy Summer Craft For Kids? You can make them learn something


40 Deep Yet Majestic Chinese Landscape Painting Ideas

Numerous critics and scholars consider “Landscape Painting” as the most astounding type of Chinese painting. Landscape painting had advanced into an autonomous painting genre that has epitomized the Chinese people to get away from their quotidian world to commune with nature and express it through their paintings. Chinese Landscape Painting Ideas is extremely well known
